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Google Panda update guide...?

As of 24th Feb 2011, a major update by Google on how it ranks sites has affected 12% of search results and halved many sites’ visitor numbers. Named the Farmer or Panda Update it’s only affecting US Google results as I write but if you’re outside the US it is coming to you soon. Here’s how to find out if you have already been hit, are going to be and what to do about it. Can your business handle a 50% drop in organic (non-paid) visits from Google? That’s what might be coming your way courtesy of Google’s Panda algorithm update. Before we get into the whys and wherefores, find out if you’ve been hit by Panda … Panda update: Google is running a new Panda update every four to seven weeks. If your site gets slapped by the Panda then you are going to have to wait for the next update to find out if any changes you’ve made will get the Panda off your back. Below is a full list of Panda update dates for you to use when checking your site’s analytics reports as shown on this pa...

what is google panda...?

It is a new algorithm announced by Google. Its aim is to fight against content farms (duplicate content website). My Friends website is already affected, so I came here to find solutions. It is amazing nobody is talking about it here...

List of web sites with high PageRank

Introduction The following is a list of websites with a high PageRank as assigned by the Google search engine. PageRank (PR) is the number of points out of ten that signifies the importance of a site to Google. The PageRank number appears to be logarithmic, with a single point representing an order of magnitude difference of importance. See Wikipedia's PageRank entry for more information. This list is a portion of all PageRank 9 and 10 pages derived from the Google Toolbar, which displays the PageRank of a web page currently displayed by a browser. The exact PageRank may vary slightly, due to changes in ranking by Google, or by local differences through use of different Google servers or through DNS behavior (e.g., may redirect to its regional sites, which may have lower PageRank). Redirects from a high PageRank page may reduce the redirected page's PageRank. PageRank 10 Currently 12 domains - Google, the most popular Internet search...

5 Types of keywords

Before you can start optimizing your site for the search engines, you must first know which terms you want to target. A good start would be to choose 3 or 4 keywords you would like your website to rank well for. With these keywords in your mind you can then set a goal to rank in the top 10 results on Google for each of them (we refer to Google because if you can rank well there, you'll rank well on the other search engines). These keywords can be either broad or specific, but you'll want to study our list of pros and cons of each before choosing. 1- Broad Keywords A broad keyword is one that many people search for, because they may only have a vague idea of what they're looking for. Broad keywords tend to be very short and aren't very specific (e.g. "shoes" or "sports"). These keywords are difficult to rank #1 for because so many other websites might have an article or two that mention shoes. However, if you can rank well for a broad...