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Increase Your Ranks

1.Try to use between 1 and 5 H2 Tags so you can increase the awareness to the search engines of what your page is about. 2.Try to use between 1 and 5 H3 Tags so you can increase the awareness to the search engines of what your page is about. 3.Try to decrease your image count to less then 12. A simple way to do this would be to combine your images into a image sprite. 4.Add a robots.txt file in your website, with this file you can give scan rules to spiders and list all available xml sitemaps for a better indexing.

How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog and Website

I have created a cool website last months, it has lot of good quality content and very informative. But I got very few visitors in 2012, traffic was very low on my website. It require lot of hard work to create such site, it will become disappointing when there is no traffic. After some time I realized that having great website is of no use if you don’t have good amount of viewers or traffic on your site. Then I started searching on internet, ways to increase traffic on website. I came across lot of useful ways and tips. I applied those to my website and came up with positive result, traffic to my website started increasing. I am sharing some of ways to increase traffic to website with you. Different ways to increase traffic to website are mentioned below: 1. Update the site daily : Post something daily to your website as people are looking for new and latest stuff on internet. Strong keyword which attracts visitors: Do some research and come up with list of...

Page Factors

Internal Page Ranking Factors: Page info — shows various data on the page such as the title, meta descriptions, meta keywords, etc. Total links — the number of links (both internal and external) found on the page. External links — shows how many links to external websites the page has. Link Value — shows how much link juice (or in other words PageRank) the page can potentially pass on to other pages with each link. Link Value is calculated based on the page's PR, the number of links on the page, and other factors. External Page Ranking Factors: Page Google PageRank — shows Google PageRank of the webpage. Cache date in Google — displays when the page was last saved in Google's cache (if the page is frequently cached that means the page is important for the search engine). Cache date in Yahoo! — shows when the page was last cached by Yahoo! Cache date in Bing — indicates the last time the page was added to Bing's cache. Page Google Popularity — sho...

Domain Ranking Factors:

Domain Google PageRank — shows Google PageRank of the domain — Google's ten-point measure of trust and authority of a site based on the quantity and quality of incoming links. Higher PageRank means more authority. Alexa Rank — traffic rank of a website based on the quantity of visitors to the site. The smaller Alexa rank, the more traffic a site has. Compete Rank in Compete.Com — website traffic rank according to Compete.Com. Smaller rank values indicate higher traffic levels. Traffic according to Compete.Com — the actual number of monthly visitors to a site according to Compete.Com (shown for the past month). Pages indexed in Google — the number of pages from the domain indexed in Google. Pages indexed in Yahoo! — shows how many pages of the domain were indexed by Yahoo! Pages indexed in Bing — the number of pages indexed in Bing. Domain Google Popularity — the number of incoming links to the domain indexed and publicly displayed by Google. Domain Yahoo! Popul...

Website Directories

Top Website Directories to Submit Your Site Tips to Get your site Listed in Top Website Directories 1.) Top Website Directories to Submit Your Site Tips to Get your site Listed in the best Web Directories Getting listed in top web directories can give a huge boost to your business by increasing your link popularity and traffic rate. But the odds here are pretty high and rejections are very common. Given below are some tips which can aid you in getting your sites listed. 2.) Some tips to get your site listed 1.) All top directories are constantly on the look out for websites that can serve as a valuable addition to their database. It becomes obvious that only those sites that look appealing and professional will be added. So make sure that your site is well designed and highly usable. 2.) Most directory editors (editors are those who review submitted sites for possible inclusion in their web directory) make use of the title tags as t...

Top Ten SEO Factors

These are what I believe to be the top 10 most important things (not necessarily in order) that you need, in order to get your website found in the search engines. There are many other factors as well, but if you follow these guidelines, you'll stand a much better chance, and you'll be off to a good start.  1. Title Tag The title tag is what displays in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) as your "headline, and it is also what displays across the top blue band in your web browser on someones screen. Each page should ALWAYS have a unique title tag. Sharing a single title tag throughout many web pages is bad. Of course, since it's the first thing people  see in the SERPs, your spelling and grammar are critical. Typos in the title tag may prevent people from even clicking on your searc hresult, in many cases. The title tag of your website should not only be easy to read, but whould also be written to bring in traffi...